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    16th July 2001 - 07:05:39 AM    
1 : chris

    16th July 2001 - 07:10:28 AM    
2 : Dustin Diamond

    16th July 2001 - 07:21:48 AM    
3 : sleazy
Dustin, big fan. Really i am. I'm also a big fan of peanut butter. I like peanut butter. Are you a helmet? Mr. Diamond, the fan club would like to ask you if you had any homosexual tendancies to anyone on the cast of Saved By The Bell. Was Lisa Turtle just a cover? Do you own any Styx albums? Is it true you have club feet?

    16th July 2001 - 07:26:13 AM    
4 : Brian
Wow! Dustin, I'm so glad you have a webpage! I have been looking for you in movies and stuff, why aren't you in movies and stuff?
And are you gay? If you are would you maybe go out with me?

    16th July 2001 - 09:52:00 AM    
5 : Jade
Just let go Screech...let go.

    16th July 2001 - 10:13:05 AM    
6 : bubba
If you overdose on drugs and kill a hooker I will see you in Jail and we can play drop the soap!

    16th July 2001 - 10:40:15 AM    
7 : Person
Aren't you washed up yet?

    16th July 2001 - 10:47:04 AM    
8 : Dustin Diamond
I Have Sex With My Dad And Smoke Crack.

    16th July 2001 - 11:04:29 AM    
9 : Ted Nugent
When's your next chess video coming out? The last one was just super!

    16th July 2001 - 11:40:09 AM    
10 : Monkey
I'd like to skull fuck you with my enormous Japanese cock.

    16th July 2001 - 03:53:14 PM    
11 : Bill Gates
Blow Me

    16th July 2001 - 03:59:31 PM    
12 : squegee

    16th July 2001 - 04:55:12 PM    
13 : craig nevels
mr diamond i love your hair-do. i wish my hair was poofy like yours. i had a dream that i lived in your giant nose. i was a nose goblin.
i love you dustin. let's make babies.

    16th July 2001 - 04:55:58 PM    
14 : lisa tortoise
Screetch, you were always going for that Turtle gal, even though I promised you free head and stuff. My dad would've helped. i ride the short bus

    16th July 2001 - 09:13:07 PM    
15 : Dillan Kleebold
This has to be the gayest web page I've ever seen. AHAHAHAHAHAH....I hope this is a joke. If it isn't then no bell will save your ass from having the lamest website possible.

If it is a joke then good 1 "screech" I'm surprised you haven't been contacted by the real dude's agent or lawyer or some shit for cyber squatting. Not like anyone gives half a warm cup of stool about the future/past of Mr. Powers.

    16th July 2001 - 09:16:33 PM    
16 : Harry Potter
DSL service $50/month
Network Card $30
Laughing my ass off at a washed up piece of crap's website... priceless.

    16th July 2001 - 10:16:55 PM    
17 : Fagator
go to my website <A HREF="http://"></A> Do it now, and play the massacre in your own home.

    17th July 2001 - 02:30:12 PM    
18 : damon
youre the biggest fucking loser of all time

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