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    24th April 2005 - 09:52:52 PM    
13249 : REV KEN and very sore balls, thanks AL SHARPTON
here in the publiuc mens room in macy down at the philly center city, I came across a peice of paper that had the number of al sharpton. After i gave him a call, and we talked about jesus, jelqing, and jacking off with german potato salad, we decided to meet at the local church for a prayer session, and also for a major leage blow job session that left my head spinning, and my balls on another planet. Since then, i have been very itchy and have some redness around my shaft...does anyone know if sharpton has some strange std that he picked up from Condomlisa Rice, or maybe even from that fucker princess peussie and her royal palace of benevolant rulers. ALSO>>>>IF ANYONE COMES ACROSS PROF. Gormely from the academny here in philly, please do not let him anywhere near you testicles, as mine are nearly falling off and whenever i take a shower, or run the garbage disposal they often end up quite near my shoulders which casuses for a very painful shampoo and condition. Please send some adivse. THANKS, REV. Ken

    24th April 2005 - 09:54:15 PM    
13250 : Johnny Blee Johnny

What we call Dustin-Dingleberry Goblins are not so in the red eye of God and Jesus and Mary and the Trolls. The courage and will of a turd to anally douche himself purifies the sacred sphincters of such a Goddess as Princess Peussie and the infinite rims of holy prostate stimulation, that that makes any sense.
From his infinite stupidity he endowed man with a furious colostomy bag called THE BRAIN OF NOONOO, the kind of which had never before been penetrated by the meat of a bicycle seat. He beset upon us the righteousness of vibrating anal beads and the inhereted superiority of a mighty cock ring, woven with wire tongs and bleejohnny beads not to mention all of the barbed wire.
To cause your fellow man-holes to gape is our greatest delight of the sodomite. Let this unnatural determination drive out of us our gallons of jizz and turd factors.

Courage is the most stupid and banal trait a man can have. He who has no erection then he is not a pussy cat or little gerbil. The "stoned courage" of an attack of diahhrea is wonderful. The feeling of having had a good shit in service of a high rollers frees one and lets him charge forward with a full bladder and his brains turned to cow shit. Arrogance bears a foreskin as if he had three scrotums and one delivery boy, and fills his pants with much evacuation. The time one spends sleeping becomes the high point of life. When everything depends on one fart, when one can lose nothing, when one can win everything, life is not worth living. He who has never fucked Dustin in the assholes for a few months, filled with goo and stench, has never fully understood the bullshit of george bush. Alongside "stormy gas leaks" is the "indomitable penis" of those facing hard ons. "FUCKING is great and powerful, but greater still is the person who bears it unshaken even though his asshole is useless from the event." Life is often like a little mirror over the toilet bowl. A princess holds on to it. No one faces a challenge greater than the pain he has been given to shit on the ALTAR OF LOVE. Any abortion overcomes all thoughtless parasites. When one has done all in his power, good luck comes to show him a new way to start a scam and call it RELIGION and help him along, singing a song, my mouth filled with DONG. But it is not really reality or at least I dont' think so. "Resist all sodomites, never give in unless you are paid good money for the fucking, be strong with your dong, calls the army of the trolls." Humor is needed not only by the man, by the soldier, a woman too needs courage but read this SHIT. For the man who just got fucked by anyone in the Dustin KNIFE CLUB, the attack is the greatest goofoff. THe testicles of a man can easily be lowered into another guy's throat. It determines nothing but fun if one simply bites the nuts off of a guy before he can scream, "WOW, let's party!!!"

    24th April 2005 - 10:01:30 PM    
13251 : POPE BENEDIKT, Bleeing all the way to the Altar
OK I'Hello Mr.Yeo,
First of all you have the best name ever. I tell you, my brother says that I have the best lips for an trb guy ever, and he's plays that instrument so righteously in the band. He said it take a good embouchur (spel????) and he said the my lips are the best. YOU know why??? You should because it has to do with putting those lips solidly around somethin and blowing , righteous and for sure. He said I be'the best head in the hood" and he ought to know becuase I handed it out to his sliver quite a few times. SMILES! Hey sliver and the shivver...smiles. anyway I want to take a few lesson ON THE TRB and not the sliver and hoping you could just listen to me play some tunes I love for example:
1) Rock on Ages
2) Rear-End LOve song (Indian style)
3) Jesus, my Son and Lover
4) Wither goest my Lord
and other stuff we sing in the church. BRING IT ON JESUS.
amen, dude!
Remember please what Princess Peussie alwyas says....hey that bitch says too damn much .......but she's famous for:
2) and her most famous one: THE WAY TO A MAN'S HEART IS THROUGH HIS ASSHOLE.
Thanks and please let me know when the lesson will be....I can pay about for an hour and hope that is ok.
Marcus from Philly...

PS: I forgot to ask you, but are you related to yoe yoe ma that guy who plays the string fiddle??? cool if so, rocks on!l, be at Strawbridge and drop my panties...YOU get the blowjob just like DUSTIN gives at the dumpster but hey I GET TO FUCK YER for that guy there who eats butts at lunch time, third stall in, HIS name is Mr.

    24th April 2005 - 10:06:29 PM    
MAn, i had a run in with this YEO guy and he had the nerve to tell me that princess peussie's rule is weak. Well i sure showed him when i hooked up a fire hose to his asshole and let it rip. Man that guy played the Bolero like crazy after that. NOW>>>>YEO will never forget.....princess peussie and jesus rule with an iron fisting.

    24th April 2005 - 10:11:37 PM    
I CANT understand how this J. BLEE guy has the nerve to say that princess peussie does not rule with an iron fisting. Just to show him we inserted two irons (Both on the linen setting ) into his asshole. Man...Blee sure went wild as the smell of his prostate was in the air, burning. Actually.smells like cooking something like ricotta cheese. ANYWAY...that blee sure got his and how is working on the pussy of peussie several hours a day.

    24th April 2005 - 10:15:02 PM    
13254 : Princess Leticia, of the Glad Hand Society of Jesu
Oh fuck, not another proclamation in the name of the Lord...?????? must be from that Mary Mount and MOJO there in Hawaii. Well DUSTIN has been made the president of the LA Jelqing Society..and that means: THE JIZZ WILL FLOW AND's something you can think about while on your knees in prayer. And by the way: this is passover which means that Dustin will be at the dumpster and circumcizing lots of guys for free. WHAT A HOOT he is....


Do you all mean Jelqing with your own family? Or just finding a family, dropping your drawers and really getting it on? I guess considering what I've been doing recently, what with the lubes, poppers, pumps and various anal pressure kits, I might as well be jelqing and whatever with my brothers and sister, and for that matter, Mom and Dad, who from the get-go, told me "If you're going to be having sex, we'd prefer that you have it at home rather than in some car because you can ruin your back that way".


    24th April 2005 - 10:19:52 PM    
13255 :
Princess puessie, get off this board you stupid faggot!!!!!!! Nobody likes you here, yet you continue to post worthless drivel...

    24th April 2005 - 10:21:48 PM    

    24th April 2005 - 10:47:19 PM    
13257 : MOJO of Mortville
I voted Peussie back in and SHE IS STAYING. There is nothing more important that Princess Peussie at that dumpster and shoving her COCK (that's right) into Dustin everytime his singS 'rocks on my nose' along with his asshole.
When a band teacher was arrested here and charged with sexually abusing 42 students, jaws dropped at the allegations: Police said the teacher had tied young girls to chairs with duct tape and rope and then re-enacted bondage scenes from his porn collection while dancing around dressed as Elvis Presley and singing songs. Investigators now say the school district in this blue-collar Chicago suburb had received complaints about the teacher years earlier and had warned him in 2001 against "inappropriate touching, singing, and smelling" but never reported him.

Robert Sperlik Jr., 45, was still teaching last month when the parents of a 15-year-old girl contacted police with her story of being raped by the teacher and leaving nasty stains on her panties, and he was arrested.

Police say the investigation into what really happened in Sperlik's classrooms over a six-year period ending in 2003 is continuing and the number of alleged victims could grow. They have yet to identify two students in Polaroid pictures found in Sperlik's North Riverside home, partly because the girls have so much duct tape on their faces.

"It's a troubling time and we just don't like any sex acts to happen on school property," said Patricia Wernet, superintendent of Berwyn School District 100. She was not in the job when the alleged abuse occurred and is not being accused of buying duct tape for this teacher. She did state that, "I must admit that having Robert Sperlik dancing around tied-up students and singing Presley songs isn't isn the best of taste".

Sperlik, who is being held without bond, did not speak at Wednesday's preliminary hearing. But his attorney, William Hedrick, used the opportunity to blast Berwyn police for "parading" his client in front of news cameras and mailing a letter to residents saying Sperlik's arrest "should put an end to this behavior. I have nothing however against Elvis Presley or his songs."

Outside court, Hedrick said Sperlik maintains his innocence. He states to the press, "I only wanted to show these little bitches how IT is done correctly". Some parents were shocked at this language.

"He did not commit any of the crimes charged. Period," Hedrick said. "He will be vindicated in a trial if we're ever allowed to get a fair trial. Maybe his penis caused some crimes, BUT not this kind man"

Sperlik taught in Berwyn for almost 18 years. Authorities say the alleged abuse occurred in six Berwyn schools between 1998 and 2003 and involved girls ages 5 to 18. His attourney remarked, "A guy needs to have fun with his students, and maybe this teacher just enjoys explaining adventures in music to his students and this is one way to do it".

Frank Marzullo, Berwyn's public swimming pool director, said police found two reprimands in Sperlik's file from 2001 and 2002, warning him against "inappropriate touching, rubbing his penis infront of the band class" and reminding him to keep his pants on while teaching "these little kids".

William Jordan, Berwyn's superintendent from 1996 to 2003, said he has a "weak recollection" of a reprimand about five years ago involving Sperlik, but he said it wasn't sexual. It was akin to Sperlik instructing a student to play a musical instrument by using the child's hand on Sperlik's private parts or urging a student to sit up straight, Jordan said.

Some band boosters and community members have questioned how abuse of such a wide scope could have continued unexposed for so long, but Marzullo said Sperlik took advantage of the fact that he often had as few as two or three students in a class.

"No children want to come forward against a teacher, a person in authority. ... It was a fun music class and sometimes the FUN included wild sex," Marzullo said. "He made it out be a game. He called it STRESS RELEASE"

Besides the photos of the students, police said they seized 30 to 40 adult Disney videos from Sperlik's home including Peter Pan, Dumbo, Princess Size-Queen, etc.

 A friend of Sperlik, Patricia Paolicchi, said nothing she has heard resembles the man she has known for 12 years. Sperlik used his own money to buy instruments for underprivileged students and was patient with his young pupils, she said. "He also bought an incredible amount of lubricant and condums; this man didn't approve of drugs, too".

Paolicchi got to know Sperlik while volunteering in the schools, and her daughter learned to play trumpet in his band class as a fourth-grader. "She loved to put that trumpet into her mouth; sometimes we couldn't get it out of there."

Her daughter, now a high school junior, was "as shocked as I was," Paolicchi said.
"I can't believe any of these allegations unless he says they're true," she said. "They just don't fit his character, although I remember that he smiled alot."

    25th April 2005 - 12:19:45 AM    
13258 : Dner
Hey Dustin, is it true that when Saved by the Bell got famous you were invited to a lot of Hollywood parties? Is it true you were invited to a B-52's release party? Is it true that you first introduced to homosexuality, bad music, cocaine, and HIV that night? Is it true that you were excited that you were finally "in the big leagues?" Is it true that when you tried to mingle with the band they just told you to shut up and go fetch them a scotch on the rocks with a cocaine chaser? Is it true that you felt pretty bad about how they treated you so you started crying? Is it true that this caught the attention of lead singer Fred Schneider? Is it true that he took you to his hotel room for some "comforting?" Is it true that he sat next to you rubbing your shoulders? Is it true that you thought it was "wrong" but you felt it was so right? Is it true that he ran his finger down to your ass and jammed his thumb up your ass? Is it true that you yelped in pain and he got pissed and punched you in your Jewish conk making it explode? Is it true that he threw you onto your stomach and he ripped off your zubaz? Is it true that you tried to get away and were clawing at anything you could get your hands on? It is true that he busted you in the head with a lamp after that? Is it true you blacked out for a while and woke up in a dumpster bleeding from your anus? Is it true that you were gushing cum and shit and blood from your now useless asshole? Is it true that you forgot everything that had happened to you so you went to Fred to figured out what happened? Is it true that he said "well let me demonstrate!" and then started to bust you in the face until you fell to the ground? Is it true that he then fucked your brains out while repeatedly punching the back of your head? Is it true that Mario Lopez and the rest of the male members of the B-52's came out of the other room all coked out and then started to jack off over you? Is it true that Mario screamed, "have some AIDS you fucking kyke!!" Is it true that you're now a total queer living with AIDS and a cocain addiction? Is it true that your band is just as shitty as your underwear is from your loose anus? Man, those celebrities types are really full of themselves!

    25th April 2005 - 12:25:04 AM    
13259 : Dner
Hey Dustin, is it true that when Saved by the Bell got famous you were invited to a lot of Hollywood parties? Is it true you were invited to a B-52's release party? Is it true that you first introduced to homosexuality, bad music, cocaine, and HIV that night? Is it true that you were excited that you were finally "in the big leagues?" Is it true that when you tried to mingle with the band they just told you to shut up and go fetch them a scotch on the rocks with a cocaine chaser? Is it true that you felt pretty bad about how they treated you so you started crying? Is it true that this caught the attention of lead singer Fred Schneider? Is it true that he took you to his hotel room for some "comforting?" Is it true that he sat next to you rubbing your shoulders? Is it true that you thought it was "wrong" but you felt it was so right? Is it true that he ran his finger down to your ass and jammed his thumb up your ass? Is it true that you yelped in pain and he got pissed and punched you in your Jewish conk making it explode? Is it true that he threw you onto your stomach and he ripped off your zubaz? Is it true that you tried to get away and were clawing at anything you could get your hands on? It is true that he busted you in the head with a lamp after that? Is it true you blacked out for a while and woke up in a dumpster bleeding from your anus? Is it true that you were gushing cum and shit and blood from your now useless asshole? Is it true that you forgot everything that had happened to you so you went to Fred to figured out what happened? Is it true that he said "well let me demonstrate!" and then started to bust you in the face until you fell to the ground? Is it true that he then fucked your brains out while repeatedly punching the back of your head? Is it true that Mario Lopez and the rest of the male members of the B-52's came out of the other room all coked out and then started to jack off over you? Is it true that Mario screamed, "have some AIDS you fucking kyke!!" Is it true that you're now a total queer living with AIDS and a cocain addiction? Is it true that your band is just as shitty as your underwear is from your loose anus? Man, those celebrities types are really full of themselves!

    25th April 2005 - 01:29:00 AM    
13260 : Dustin Diamond

    25th April 2005 - 01:47:54 AM    
13261 :
screech, remember that episode where you thought you were going to toss jessie's salad? remember when she shit in your mouth instead?

    25th April 2005 - 02:29:40 AM    
13262 : Jermaine Petey

    25th April 2005 - 03:36:15 AM    
13263 :
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    25th April 2005 - 06:28:43 AM    
13264 : penis enlargement
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    25th April 2005 - 06:32:50 AM    
13265 : penis enlargement
nice website

    25th April 2005 - 06:51:04 AM    
13266 : cumbucket
My cum is all goooooey

    25th April 2005 - 07:32:18 AM    
13267 : Mary Mount
Well JESUS DOES RULE FOR FUCKING SURE...and his cum is gooey too, nitwit. Jesus invented cum.
Just ask that steinberg guy who keeps trying to make contact with dustin diamond, that fictional asshole. OY....

    25th April 2005 - 08:19:24 AM    
13268 : Web enlargement
nice penis

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